‘Doubling Down With The Derricos’ Spoilers Tells That, When Young Diaz Derrico Went To The Doctor For An Examination Of His Skull, That Was The First Time He Had Been Separated From His Twin Brother, Diore. Diaz Seemed Fine, He Waved Bye To His Brother, All Smiles, But Diore Was Instantly Lost Without His Twin And Began To Cry Even Before Diaz Was Out The Door!
Their older twin brothers, Dallas and Denver totally get it and said that when they are separated from each other, they cry too, even though they’re 10 years old. Aww!
‘Doubling Down With The Derricos’: Diaz gets his head examined
Instantly there’s problems with the scan because it looks like Diaz’s head is a bit too long for the scanner, which terriied Mom Karen, in her confessional she wondered what they were going to do about that and if they had a different sized scanner for instances like this.
Thankfully, all they needed to do in this instance was turn Diaz’s head to the side and then it fit on the scanner better and they could get a clearer picture of what was going on. Mom Karen was scared that they were going to be too late to correct Diaz’s problems with a helmet.
‘Doubling Down With The Derricos’: ..And it was.
Diaz is 3 and a half, which is too late to get a helmet because the bones have pretty much already formed. The doctor said it could be one of two things, it’s either Scafiacephaly, which is a head that’s just a really long head and it sometimes happens to preemies who are in the NICU for a long time (according to Karen, Diaz was), but it could also be something else, which is Sagital Cranial Synosthosis, which is when one of the plates in the skull closes prematurely and doesn’t allow the head to grow normally.
The latter condition can cause lasting effects, balance and coordination issues and developmental delay, if it’s actually that, then there might have to be surgery in Diaz’s future. Something that Mom Karen was not prepared for, she burst into tears in the office when the doctor gave her the diagnosis. Poor little Diaz ended up in tears too upon seeing his Mom cry. Thankfully, there’s a team at UCLA to help the Derrico’s through this. Stay tuned!!!